Cara Membuat Judul Youtube Update Otomatis
![Cara Membuat Judul Youtube Update Otomatis](
Hai guys.. Setelah menonton video youtube Agung Hapsah yang judul videonya bisa update otomatis sesuai jumlah views jadi tertarik bikin sendiri.
Membuat Judul Youtube Update Otomatis
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/* This Google Script will auto-update the title of your YouTube video based on the number of views and comments Tutorial: Author: Abengkris Original Idea by Tom Scott */ const updateYouTubeVideo = (e = null) => { const id = "VIDEO_ID"; const template = "This video has VIEWCOUNT views and COMMENTCOUNT comments"; // The cron job is created only when the script is run manually if (e === null) { const triggerName = "updateYouTubeVideo"; const triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers().filter((trigger) => { return trigger.getHandlerFunction() === triggerName; }); // If time based trigger doesn't exist, create one that runs every 5 minutes if (triggers.length === 0) { ScriptApp.newTrigger(triggerName).timeBased().everyMinutes(5).create(); } } // Get the watch statistics of the video const { items: [video = {}] = [] } = YouTube.Videos.list( "snippet,statistics", { id } ); // Parse the YouTube API response to get views and comment count const { snippet: { title: oldTitle, categoryId } = {}, statistics: { viewCount, commentCount } = {} } = video; if (viewCount && commentCount) { const newTitle = template .replace("VIEWCOUNT", viewCount) .replace("COMMENTCOUNT", commentCount); // If the video title has not changed, skip this step if (oldTitle !== newTitle) { YouTube.Videos.update( { id: id, snippet: { title: newTitle, categoryId } }, "snippet" ); } } };
dengan id video dari video YouTube yang ingin kamu gunakan untuk eksperimen ini. Jika URL video
, id video adalahxxx
.Buka Setelan Project, centang
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.Buka kembali editor dan ganti dengan script dibawah ini.
{ "timeZone": "Asia/Jakarta", "dependencies": { "enabledAdvancedServices": [ { "userSymbol": "YouTube", "serviceId": "youtube", "version": "v3" } ] }, "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER", "runtimeVersion": "V8" }
- Klik Run di dalam editor Apps Script, pilih Run dan pilih
. Izinkan script untuk mengelola akun YouTube kamu
Script akan berjalan setiap lima menit dan memperbarui judul video YouTube kamu secara otomatis. Sesimpel itu!
Cara Menghentikan Script Google YouTube
Buka dan cari script YouTube di dasbor Project Saya. Buka menu pemicu dan hapus pemicunya. Script akan berhenti memperbarui judul video di latar belakang.
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